Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This is the final version of my piece!

Friday, May 2, 2008


This is my first draft of my piece.
At the moment, it is JUST an audio track in 5.1 surround sound.

Things I need feedback on in particular:

VIDEO - should there be video? or no. If yes, what could be there?

Background noise - should there be ambient noise in addition to the audio, or would that detract from it? Also, should there be sound on the subwoofer track?

The part at the beginning with Joe talking may be too long. Does it get annoying or boring or start to drag?

THANK YOU so much! Any and all comments are amazing.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


The latest update on my piece!

I have started interviewing people for the audio portion of my piece. The basic questions: "Can you describe any sort of emotional or physical pain you have ever been in? What does it feel like?"

I have also started shooting the video parts, although I am a lot further behind in that area.

The project, overall, will probably be incredibley abstract and, as of now, will include projections onto three different screens (plus surround sound...).

The basic idea, just to reiterate, is the theme of pain. It is a pseudo-documentary discussing pain and the different ways in which it is expressed, in addition to the universality and commonality of it.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


So... ignore everything I've ever written up until now.

I have a new idea!

BASICALLY. There's this girl. And she has wrist/arm problems. It starts out with her going to the doctor, and the doctor saying there's nothing he can do for her. So then she's out walking around, looking dazed and confused and scared and in pain.

And the whole movie progresses with her trying everything she can to get rid of the pain... like drugs. There are some shots of her trying to fall asleep, being unable to, and taking painkillers. And then in school, trying to take notes, being in pain, and then running off to find relief.

It's hard to explain and kind of abstract... but I want there to be scenes were she has sudden attacks of pain, and it breaks into crazy effects and this audio track with people talking about their pain and describing it. It all sort of builds up... into a crazy pain attack.

I'm not sure if there are like clear lines and stuff or just all abstract-ish.

If you can comment on it, rip it apart, or give any sort of suggestions at all, you would be my hero.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Un Gatto Nero


So this was supposed to be from November...
So pretend it's November, then watch it.
Then it won't feel like it's three months late...

Sketchy bus stop movies...


My piece, which I've mentioned like seven million times in basically no detail at all, is going to be about a bus stop.

It's basically two people, at a bus stop. For like an hour...
And the whole piece will be their interactions with each other, with people around them, etc...

At the end, a guy walks up to them and tells them that the bus doesn't go to that stop on Sundays.

So that's the piece.
I'm still trying to figure out what should go in the middle part of the piece: what happens, what they talk about, who they are.

But that's the basic idea.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Untitled Mafia Movie

"Untitled" (As of now)

This piece will be a sort of mafia-parody story about crime and the people involved with it. It will follow the story of both a Mafia boss and a lower-level generic mobster who is just starting out in the family and trying to break into it.

The main conflict will be between the boss and the aforementioned low level mobster, who, in doing what he thinks is a good decision, angers the boss and destroys his chances.

There will be one other intertwined character involved, who, in contrast to the first character, decides to do what will further him personally and becomes in good favor with the boss.

In addition, the boss will have to struggle with what's right and wrong in making his decisions about what happens to all of his people.
Basically, the whole piece is about decisions and what happens as a result of both good and bad decision making.